Coronus sired several children by Rhea.Hesita, Demeta,
Hera,Hades and Poseidon but swallowed them as soon as they were born since he had learned from GAIG and URANUS that he destined
to be overcome by his son as he had himself over thrown his father an ORACLE that ZEUS was to hear and avert. But when ZEUS
to be born Rhea the mother of ZEUS made a secret plan to save him, so that Coronus could get his retribution for his acts
against URANUS and his own children. Rhea gave birth to ZEUS in CRETE handing a rock wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he
swallowed. Rhea hid ZEUS in a basket under a tree which was later raised by a shepherd family under the promise that there
sheep’s would be saved by wolves. Rhea hid ZEUS in a cave on Mount Ida in CRETE. He was raised by a nymph named Admenthea.
Since CORONUS ruled over Earth, Heaven and Sea, she hid her dangling on a rope from a tree, so that he could remain invisible
to his father.